DIES 2023 Erbe Symposium – Utilizing the lastest technologies in GI lesion management

Check out the talks from the Erbe symposium at the 25th Düsseldorf International Endoscopy Symposium (DIES) on February 3rd, 2023: Utilizing the latest technologies in GI lesion management, where Dr. Stavros Stavropoulos, Prof. Roberta Maselli, and Prof. Jéremié Jacques delivered a comprehensive overview of 3rd space endoscopy.

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In the first presentation, Dr. Stavropoulos gives an extensive summary on VIO® 3 modes (e.g. preciseSECT, endoCUT® etc.) and effects in different applications when performing POEM procedures with HybridKnife®.
Prof. Maselli provides an excellent overview of Erbe’s place in 3rd space endoscopy, with in-depth considerations of hybrid-technology of today and what is needed in the future.
Prof. Jacques walks you through what is needed to improve ESD results, pointing out the benefits of hybrid technology supporting the dissection done by the physicians.
The lectures are followed by a discussion with the speakers and the chairs Prof. Horst Neuhaus and Dr. Yutaka Saito, as well as answering questions from the audience. The symposium ended with a short outlook on the new HYBRIDknife flex and how it will answer some remaining challenges in interventional endoscopic resection.

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