Pleuroscopic cryobiopsies using the flexible 1.7 mm single-use cryoprobe with ERBECRYO® 2

Case history:
Breast-cancer related mastectomy on the right side several years ago.

Female patient admitted for further examination of fluid accumulation in the right pleural space.
The dissemination of breast cancer had to be evaluated.

Pleural tumor biopsies are taken during semi-flexible pleuroscopy.
The flexible forceps was found to be unsuitable for grasping the tumor and removing a sufficient biopsy.
The flexible 1.7 mm cryoprobe, cooled by the ERBECRYO® 2, was able to freeze to the tumors and enables biopsies with superior quality and size.

Diagnosis and treatment:
Breast cancer dissemination;
The patient was qualified for chemo therapy.

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